Bar Refaeli


Bar Refaeli was born in 1985 and has one older brother Dor and two younger brothers (name unknown) and On.

Quotes from Bar:

(Best pick up line that someone tried on you?)
I was in a club and sent an SMS. Then someone came up to me and said "Write it: zero - five...". He caught me by surprise, I didn't understand what he wanted and he continued: "Well? Write it down, zero - five...". And then I realized he's telling me his phone number. It was really funny, I thought it was a great idea and I told him that but then I told my brother and he said that it's a really old trick...

(Screen saver?)
A picture of my little brother and then it switches to a picture of where my brother, my friend Adi, Rob Machado (one of the best surfers in the world) and I sit in a circle and smile to the camera after a surfing session in LA.

(SMS's you don't delete?)
I keep all of my old cell phones just because of the messages: nostalgic messages from ex's, my little brother, my dad (when he just learnt how to SMS and would send me short messages like "love you, dad"), birthday wishes and all the 'congrats' I got for the cover of SI.

More information on Bar Refaeli


Coming soon!